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Author: Dawn Reed

6 Ways to Save Money on a New Home Build

Want to Save Money on a New Home Build?

6 Tips from your Trusted Bay Area Remodeling Contractor

new home builders in the Palo Alto, CA area

Dreaming of constructing your custom home? Learn how to save money on your new home build. There is nothing quite as exciting as constructing your personal haven from the ground up. However, impractical design ideas or other construction elements can quickly lure you down a slippery slope that can eventually bust your budget.

As the Bay Area’s premier construction experts, we know how to focus on cost control, shorten timelines and avoid expensive mistakes while building custom homes. The experts at Flegel’s Construction Co. suggest 6 ways to save money on a new home build.

Useful Tips to Keep Your New Home Building Costs in Check

From approval delays and labor hurdles, to materials availability and design expectations, one thing can lead to another, until your building expenses spiral out of control. Here are some cost-control aspects to consider as you build your custom home:

  • Realistic timelines, practical budgets: Waiting to break ground could be both costly and frustrating. By the time the floor plan approvals, architectural reviews, sub-contractor selection and final contract from the builder come in, your financial arrangements could go haywire. Take into consideration that this is an uncontrolled environment, and let your plan reflect realistic timelines and finances.
  • Account for the hidden costs: Your initial land costs and builder quotes may not be reflective of the all-in budget for your new home build. You may have to account for expenses related to topographical maps, fees and permits, mandatory contribution to local infrastructure funds, pre-construction inspections and more.
  • Prepare for additional contingencies: Although you think you have prepared a comprehensive budget, additional expenses creep up when you least expect them. Set aside a contingency fund that helps you manage these unforeseen construction costs. This fund could also be useful for other living arrangements until your new, custom home is ready to move into.
  • Explore cost-effective design elements: If you choose a floor plan with a smaller footprint but the same square footage, you may be able to save on site prep expenses, as well as costs for roofing or foundations. Similarly, avoiding dormer windows within the roof could save you the cost of additional framing and roofing. Ask your architect for design suggestions that save on building costs, as well as future maintenance.
  • Consider innovative ways to save on the interiors: There are many smart ways to save money on the interior of a new build, without compromising the looks or quality. For example:
  1. Buy pieces of your preferred marble, granite or quartz for the kitchen countertops, instead of full slabs.
  2. Purchase floor model appliances, fittings and accessories that are in great condition and come with full warranty, just like the packed pieces.
  3. Upcycle rich, old, durable hardwood for your cabinetry, while also enhancing its original grain and beauty.
  4. Choose a forgiving aesthetic if that appeals to you. Achieve a chic rustic or industrial vibe by opting for unfinished edges or low-key finishes that are easy on your wallet.
  • Be open to some DIY projects: Rolling up your sleeves and getting your hands dirty building your own home can be exhilarating. Consider a do-it-yourself approach, especially during the finishing stages of the project. For example, why not lend your contractors a hand in laying down the wood flooring, putting up the backsplash or tiles, painting the walls, or even landscaping your backyard. You may achieve substantial savings on labor costs by pitching in at this stage. Not to mention the joy of working on your own home build and upping your handyman skills.

Bay Area’s Premier Contractor Delivers Cost-Effective New Home Builds

Choosing the right contractor is one of the first steps to saving money on your new home build. At Flegel’s Construction, we believe that delivering your custom new home within the agreed timelines and budget can truly help you enjoy the process of new home construction. With a team of highly skilled architects and master craftsmen, we ensure impeccable designs and flawless finishes for the luxurious new home of your dreams. Check out our portfolio of home renovations and new home builds in the Palo Alto, San Jose, Cupertino, Sunnyvale, Mountain View and San Jose areas.

Want to save money on your new home build? Contact us online.

The Best Luxury New Home Building Experience is Hard to Come By

custom home builder in Mountain View area

Your Choice of Contractor Makes All the Difference

Planning your custom luxury new home building project? What should you expect? It’s possible you’ve heard some horror stories from family and friends. Some well-wishers may even advise you to choose a fully constructed home versus building one from scratch, but there’s nothing like seeing your dream turn into reality. Getting the best luxury new home building experience starts with choosing a trusted contractor with a stellar reputation for custom home construction.

How to Get the Best Luxury New Home Building Experience – Useful Tips

What can be more exciting than watching the home of your dreams taking shape right before your eyes? With a little research and careful planning, you can nail your chance of enjoying a great experience.

  1. Build or buy: When you are in the market for a luxury home, it’s important to take your time and consider all aspects. Even after you think you have decided to build, it is wise to pause and rethink. After all, building a new home isn’t just the contractor and architect’s responsibility; it requires a huge commitment of time, money and effort on your part as well. Think carefully about whether you want to buy a previously owned property and remodel it instead of commissioning a new build.
  • Plan, plan, plan: Give plenty of thought to every minute detail of your new luxury home. From the site plan and floor plan, to the amenities, features and other elements of interior design, create a list that reflects your individual style and preferences. Think of everything that you need in your new home, today and in the future.

Choose the right contractor:

  • Make sure that you extensively research the contractors in your chosen area and ask for referrals from family and friends.
  • Look for contractors who have firsthand experience building the kind of luxury home you envision.
  • Review the credentials of your shortlisted contractors. Don’t hesitate to ask for client testimonials or site visits to completed projects.
  • Get a sense of the design and construction team that will work with you through the lengthy process of building a new home. Ensure that the people you will be interacting with are experienced, trustworthy, and easy to work with.
  • Review your contract: Don’t just read through the contract; review all terms and conditions in detail before signing. Check that all your specifications are included in the contract and cost estimate. Assess all the clauses for project completion and delays. Speak to the contractor about any grey areas and ask for necessary modifications. Setting the right expectations at the beginning of the process is important for ensuring a smooth home building experience.
  • Make informed decisions: Building a custom, luxury home needs your focus and attention, even after you have signed on a contractor. From time to time, you need to make decisions on design changes, ongoing construction activity, choice of materials, and so on. Carve out time from your schedule to consider all the alternatives and make decisions wisely. Getting it right the first time will save you time and money, instead of changing your mind subsequently.
  • Carefully inspect the completed project: Most custom home builders provide an inspection and walk-through once the construction is complete. Pay attention to the details and review whether every aspect of the plan is in place. Invest in a home inspection to make sure that everything is in working order. Review your warranties with the builder and make a list of the coverages available from the builder or product manufacturers. This list will be very handy in the future.

Hire a Trusted Contractor to Build Your Luxury New Home

At Flegel’s Construction Co., we have over 30 years of experience in constructing new homes to your exact specifications. We build and deliver stylish homes with quality materials and high-end finishes, on-time and on-budget. Our innovative architects and master craftsmen offer superior designs and flawless execution to make your luxury new build truly one-of-a-kind.

You can check out some of the luxury custom homes that we have constructed in and around the Bay Area including the Palo Alto, San Jose, Cupertino, Sunnyvale, Mountain View and San Jose areas.

Want to get the best luxury new home building experience? Contact us online.

5 Keys to Keeping Within Your Renovation Budget

Advice from Your Trusted Bay Area Remodeling Contractor

home renovation services in Palo Alto, Mountain View, San Jose, Cupertino, CA

Keeping within your renovation budget is never easy. No matter how meticulously you plan, a sudden design change or an unexpected discovery may compel or tempt you to spend more. As the Bay Area’s premier remodeling experts, we know that setting a budget and sticking to it is harder than most people imagine. Our renovation experts offer some tips and suggestions to ensure that you don’t go beyond your budget in the middle of a renovation.

Don’t Bust Your Renovation Budget! Here’s How to do it…

Following a thorough process of listing what you want versus what you can afford usually culminates in a well-prepared renovation budget. Once you go through this process and set a figure, follow these 5 keys to keeping within your renovation budget:

  1. Plan and compare bids: Once you have decided to go forward with a remodeling project, don’t settle for the first contractor you find. Ask for referrals from family and friends, do your own research, and invite a few quotes. While evaluating quotes, avoid focusing on the bottom line alone. Instead, discuss the proposals with each contractor, understand the exclusions or hidden costs, and check whether they have:
    1. Set aside some funds for contingencies
    2. Priced your project on square footage or an assembly-based approach
    3. Considered materials that are top-of-the-line, least expensive variety, or somewhere in between
  • Plan carefully, look ahead: Combine small projects within the same area, instead of several independent projects in different parts of the home. For example, if your end goal is hardwood flooring throughout your kitchen and dining room, cover both at the same time. Don’t leave one room for later; this will not only be inefficient and costly, but you may also find it hard to procure the same shade or material in the future.
  • Communicate: Integrating your construction contractors into the design phase will give you a better understanding of material alternatives, construction challenges and timelines. This will help you make design tweaks early in the process. Moreover, you can reiterate your budget to both teams and maintain adequate checks and balances between design and construction. After all, over communicating is better than potential misunderstandings about your needs or expectations.
  • Expect the unexpected, and manage it: Almost every renovation, big or small, will have some setbacks that could potentially derail your budget. Don’t be surprised if issues, such as a hidden termite infestation, mold, water damage, or inadequate electricals come to light during the project. If your contingency funds do not cover these added expenses, consider some trade-offs in your original plan. Go for less expensive, yet quality materials, or reduce a few design elements and stay within your set cost.
  • Avoid last-minute design changes: When you are in the renovation mindset, every relevant ad, flyer, or social media pop-up will catch your attention and inspire you with more design ideas. However, the idea is to put things on paper during the design phase, so that the associated timelines and cost of materials and labor is a near-accurate estimate. Try to curb your impulses to make last minute design changes which are likely to balloon your renovation budget.

Stay on Budget with the Bay Area’s Top Remodeling Contractor

With 20 years of experience in quality home improvement projects, Flegel’s Construction understands the importance of keeping within your renovation budget. We offer a seamless remodeling experience that includes:

  • An integrated approach involving our clients, designers and contractors
  • Detailed mapping of client needs, preferences, budgets and timelines
  • Thorough proposals with a breakdown of costs and systematic assembly-line pricing for accurate estimates
  • Innovative designs, including features and amenities that meet your renovation goals and budget
  • Meticulous project tracking, with timely updates
  • Professional touch, superior finish, project completion on-time and on-budget

Happy customers across the Bay Area vouch for our outstanding craftsmanship and consistent customer service.

Partner with Flegel’s Construction to enjoy unique designs and quality makeovers, while keeping within your renovation budget.

Building a Home in California is Expensive – Part 3

You Ask: “Why is Building a Home in California so Expensive?”

We Answer: “Housing Permits Play a Big Role”

new home building

Can’t wait to customize your personal haven in the Golden State? Need insights on why building a home in California is so expensive? Between the availability of land, labor and resources, to weather conditions, permits and taxes, several local factors will influence your construction costs.

As Silicon Valley’s premier construction experts, we closely monitor the housing market, and understand the industry’s dynamics inside and out. In our 3-part series on factors that magnify construction costs in California, we shared our insights on (1) rising costs of labor and (2) escalating material costs.

In this concluding page, our experts shed light on how housing permits can make building a home in California so expensive.

Part 3: Housing Permits May Hinder Your California Custom Home Build

As one of the top 3 most expensive states in which to build a custom home, California’s average construction cost of $439k is 40% higher than other, less expensive states. Building costs in our sprawling state vary by city and location, with certain pockets being far more expensive than others.

Moreover, land development fees and building permits are costly, and the process of getting approvals is extremely tedious and time-consuming. This is particularly true in a highly regulated state, such as California, where there are multiple conditional reviews to determine allotment of permits.

  • Many review committees: In addition to two distinct entities, the zoning commission and the environmental review board, you need permits and approvals from several other government agencies. These include the building department, fire department, health department, city council and more.
  • Density control regulations: For the purpose of density control, in some communities there are stringent lot size restrictions, such as the ownership of a minimum one or one-half acre plot. The bigger the minimum lot size, the higher the upfront costs of land acquisition.
  • Environmental regulations: The California Environment Quality Act (CEQA) has several strict conditions that consider the environmental impact of new home construction. However, many approvers misquote or misuse this law, causing a 2-2.5 year  delay in housing permits for even those projects that comply with environment protection regulations. Additionally, starting in 2020, all newly built homes in the state must be solar-powered. According to the Energy Commission, this will lead to an upfront cost of $8,400 for installing solar panels for a single family home.
  • Political and community involvement: The higher the state regulations, the more intense the community and political involvement in land use and control processes. For residents who fear that new construction will change the character of their neighborhoods or hurt their property values, there are plenty of avenues to express opposition. This can lead to expensive delays in permits, inspections and approvals.

There is no specific research study showing exactly how much delayed building permits adds to housing costs. However, the typical approval time for new projects in the Bay Area is 12 months, whereas, in Los Angeles, it is 8 months. This excludes the time it takes to rezone land for residential use.

Hire a Dependable Contractor to Build Your California Dream Home

At Flegel’s Construction Co., we specialize in building attractive, functional, high-quality custom homes. Our new home construction team includes experts who can navigate the permits and approvals process to minimize your wait times and building costs. You can count on us for superior craftsmanship, honest communication and timely completion of projects.

We continue to build and deliver stylish, comfortable dream homes to happy customers in and around the Bay Area.  

Building a home in California is expensive, but isn’t your dream home worth it? Contact us online to discuss your project.

Earthquake Protection for New Home Builds

Why It’s Important to Get Earthquake Protection for Your New Home Build

new home builds

Expert Advice for California Homeowners

While earthquakes can occur anywhere in the world, California is more prone to this natural phenomenon and has experienced numerous devastating tremors in the past. If you are exploring the idea of a custom home in the Bay Area, you’d be wise to consider getting earthquake protection for your new home build. Ensure a strong structure that keeps you and your family safe.  

Building Earthquake-Resistant Custom Homes

At Flegel’s, we know that building earthquake-resistant homes is not just a cosmetic enhancement. It involves drawing up the right structural design, laying the correct foundation and choosing appropriate building materials that can withstand the stresses of a seismic event. Our engineers and architects follow the structural building practices and regulations defined by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), in conjunction with the National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP).

Here are some aspects that we consider while designing and building a custom, earthquake-resistant home:

  • Vertical and lateral stiffness: The directional forces of earthquakes may shake your home not just vertically, but also horizontally. We design a structure with the right amount of vertical and lateral stiffness to ensure minimal damage when a quake occurs.
  • Building regularity: Regularity is the movement of the building when pushed laterally by the forces of an earthquake. In our quake-resistant designs, the building sways along with the push, to dissipate the energy and prevent any compromise to the structure.
  • Redundancy: A critical safety characteristic, redundancy is the fail-safe feature of your home’s foundation. By creating an equal distribution of mass and strength, we ensure that there are multiple strategies in place. If one fails, the next one auto-activates to protect your home against the forces of tremors and aftershocks.
  • Foundation: Deep, connected foundations and driven piles are essential for any home to withstand violent earthquakes. Our experts study ground reactions and movements before drawing up plans for a strong, stable foundation.
  • Continuous load paths: Properly interconnected structural and non-structural building components create multiple points of strength and redundancies. These put up a united front to dissipate inertial forces and protect the foundation of your home. By ensuring that the components do not move independently, we help in maintaining the same lateral and vertical path as the quake. Achieving this continuous load path goes a long way in protecting the structural integrity of your home.

Hire the Bay Area’s Top Contractor for Earthquake-Resistant New Builds

At Flegel’s Construction Co., we have extensive experience in earthquake protection for new home builds. We create quake-resistant structures with attractive, functional spaces, personalized to your lifestyle and budget. Our superior design capabilities, unmatched craftsmanship and quality touches will make your home truly one-of-a-kind.

You can check out our many successful projects across the Bay Area, including Palo Alto, Mountain View, San Jose and Redwood City, CA.

Interested to learn more about earthquake protection for your custom new build in the Bay Area? Contact us online.

5 Ideas For Building A Custom Home In 2019

Step One: Hire an Experienced Builder!

Buildi A Custom HomeNothing is more satisfying than living in a home you have envisioned. Your creativity and imagination are not limited to decorating the interiors. You can have a say in the overall structure as well. However, from the building materials and orientation to the floor plan, number of rooms, windows and door sizes, there are many decisions to make. Where do you start and how do you make the most of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity? Our construction experts share 5 ideas for successfully building a custom home in 2019.

How to Build the Perfect Home for Your Family

  1. Go green: In keeping with the times, consider making energy efficiency a priority. It helps reduce your utility bills and enhances the durability and value of your property. The first consideration is always the orientation of the building. The right location helps maximize solar heat in winter and reduce heat gain during the summer.Ultra-efficient homes also utilize low U-value and E-value frames, renewable energy systems like solar panels, radiant flooring, efficient whole-house systems, proper insulation and smart landscaping around the building. The comfort and savings you will enjoy over the years far outweigh the initial investment.
  1. Maximize natural light in your design: Abundant daylight provides aesthetic, health and monetary benefits. It makes your home look brighter and more spacious while enhancing your mood and reducing your energy usage. An open floor plan is a good way to start. Incorporating large windows, doors and skylights is the easiest way to flood your house with sunlight. Choose triple pane glass with proper glazing for maximum energy-efficiency. Translucent options allow you to enjoy privacy without obstructing the amount of light that filters through.
  2. Use renewable materials: Building a custom home gives you the opportunity to include sustainable materials and smart technologies. Using renewable materials like reclaimed wood, green insulation, bamboo and cork flooring or natural wool carpeting allows you to create a durable and healthy home. You can also incorporate advanced technology like smart thermostats and voice-activated home assistants. They will make your life easier and reduce expenses by turning off lights, heat or air conditioning when the home is empty.
  3. Conserve water: It is one of the most important resources in our lives but it comes at a high price. Installing low-water use appliances, high-efficiency toilets, low-flow faucet aerators and shower heads can significantly reduce your consumption. With outdoor water use accounting for almost 30 percent of your water bill, consider water-efficient landscaping. Grow native plants and install smart irrigation systems like Evapotranspiration (ET) controllers which adjust water usage according to the weather.
  4. Choose low-maintenance materials: Architectural and metal shingles will generally outlast traditional asphalt, concrete or clay tiles and are also more energy efficient. Brick and stone exteriors require less upkeep than wood. Quartz countertops in your kitchen and bathroom are more stain resistant than natural stone. Choosing materials that require less effort to maintain are easy on your wallet and save time. 

Hire an Experienced Builder to Construct Your Dream Home

At Flegel’s Construction Co., we offer the detailed attention that your custom home requires. Our experienced team of designers, construction experts and tradespeople works closely with you to make your dream home a reality.

With our hallmark quality and customer satisfaction, we continue to serve a growing roster of happy customers across the Bay Area, including in Palo Alto, San Jose, Santa Clara, Sunnyvale, Mountain View and Cupertino, CA.

For more ideas on building a custom home in 2019, contact us online.


8 Considerations When Adding a Second Floor to Your Bay Area Home

The Most Important One: Find the Right Construction Contractor!

Adding a Second Floor Are you thinking about adding another floor to your house? Building upwards adds to your living area and property value. One of the most important benefits is that you can have your dream home without moving from the area you love. Another advantage is that you do not lose out on yard space, and exterior features such as driveways, patios and fences can remain the same. However, You’ll need to understand what is involved in this type of home addition project and find the right construction contractor for a successful remodel. Take note of these 8 considerations when adding a second floor to your Bay Area home.

Tips for Adding a Story to Your Current Home

  1. Pay attention to design: Ideally, the addition should blend with the rest of the house and not look like a box placed on top of it. Three important aspects to assess during the design stage are whether it:
  2. improves functionality
  3. looks like it was always there, and
  4. is in harmony with other structures in the neighborhood.
  5. Ensure that it is structurally sound: Extending upwards means adding more weight to your home. Check that the current structure can support the additional load. This may involve asking an engineer to do a feasibility study. A building inspector can also help you determine the load capacity of your current home. Some projects require additional steel supports installed in the foundation slab.
  6. Verify building code requirements: Do you know how high you can go with the extension? Before you begin work on your home addition, check your local building codes and permit requirements. Most municipalities have this information on their websites. An experienced construction contractor can help you navigate local regulations and obtain necessary permits.
  7. Determine staircase location: You will need a staircase to access the second floor. Fitting it inside the house typically means sacrificing some hallway or room space. Going from the outside, on the other hand, will require you to give up some part of your yard. Your architect or building contractor can walk you through options that will provide the best results. With a bit of creative thinking, you can minimize any wasted space.
  8. Mechanical upgrades: Increasing your living area usually involves upgrading the plumbing, electrical and HVAC systems that service it. With some HVAC systems, it is possible to add new zones without have to buy a new one. With others, additional ductwork may be required. However, this may be the ideal time to install more energy efficient appliances like tankless water heaters and solar or geothermal heating systems that will reduce your utility bills.
  9. Windows, doors and siding: The critical question here is whether you should buy new ones for the whole house, match the existing style, or try a different approach for the upper floor. Being aware of and researching your options in advance will help you make informed decisions.
  10. Adding whole-house insulation: Thermal performance is an important consideration when building a home extension. While building code determines requirements for new additions, it’s possible that existing insulation may also have to be upgraded to prevent leaks. This is a great way to enhance the overall comfort and energy efficiency of your home.
  11. Think about exterior finish: Does the current structure have a textured finish? You may choose to match it, redo the entire façade or use a mix of different materials to make an architectural statement.

Get the Bay Area’s Construction Experts to Build Your Second Floor

Choose your contractor based on their credentials, experience and reputation. At Flegel’s Construction Co. we have more than 30 years of experience building and renovating homes. Our clients receive expert advice, quality craftsmanship and responsive service. Count on us for a seamless home addition that enhances your lifestyle and not just your space.

With an unwavering commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, we continue to serve customers across the Bay Area, including in Palo Alto, San Jose, Santa Clara, Sunnyvale, Mountain View and Cupertino, CA.

If you are considering adding a second floor to your Bay Area home, contact us online.

Key to Successful Eichler Remodeling

Accomplish A Successful Remodel of Your Eichler Home

Choose the Right Contractor with Proven Experience

eichler home remodel

Are you planning to update or expand your Eichler home? Many Bay Area homeowners are choosing to modify their existing properties rather than moving to a new place. With meticulous planning and the right contractor, you can protect your investment and maintain the mid-century look you love. Before getting started, read this quick guide and be better prepared for a successful Eichler home remodeling project.

Key to Successful Eichler Remodeling – 5 Useful Tips

  1. Keep the distinctly Eichler feel intact: Eichlers are known for their indoor-outdoor feel with floor-to-ceiling windows, glass-walled atriums and patio areas, post-and-beam construction, wooden paneling and open-concept floor plans. Consider modifications that will keep that connection with the outdoors. Think about enlarging windows, replacing wooden walls with sliding glass doors and installing skylights to add greater appeal and value. Preserving Joseph Eichler’s design concepts calls for thoughtful home improvements by contractors experienced in this type of remodel.
  2. Hire the right remodeling contractor: As you solicit bids from multiple contractors, be sure to evaluate their experience, work quality and the scope of similar projects they have completed. If you get a quote that is surprisingly cheaper than the others, avoid the temptation and prevent a botched job with higher costs for fixing the mess.
  3. Establish a realistic budget: List exactly what you want versus what you need. You don’t have to hold back on visualizing your dream home, but it’s important to be realistic. If your budget allows you to include everything you need and still have room for some of the items you want, that is ideal. If not, you can put the essentials on the priority list and plan for additional modifications at a later stage. For instance, you may want stylish kitchen cabinets and new flooring with a new, open floor plan. Focus on getting the layout redesign for now and you can budget for the floors and cabinets in the next phase.
  4. Determine the time frame: Major renovations like adding another bedroom or washroom may require you to relocate temporarily. Is it going to be for one month or several? Knowing this in advance will give you the time to research your options and make the right decisions about your project and living arrangements.
  5. Less is more when it comes to décor: Remember, the philosophy of Eichler design is to bring the outdoors inside. Try not to clutter your home with too much furniture or accessories. 

Hire the Bay Area’s Eichler Specialists to Renovate Your Home

At Flegel’s Construction Co., we know how to make your mid-century home more comfortable and convenient while preserving its original character. From wide open entryways to airy living spaces, modern kitchens with customized appliances and new floor plans that utilize space more efficiently, our Eichler specialists seamlessly match the original with the new.

Committed to quality and customer satisfaction, we continue to serve a growing roster of happy customers across the Bay Area, including in Palo Alto, San Jose, Santa Clara, Sunnyvale, Mountain View and Cupertino, CA.

For successful Eichler remodeling, contact us online.

Tearing Down an Existing Home and Building a New Home? It’s A Big Job!

Find the Right Construction Contractor in the Bay Area

new home constructionHave you outgrown your house but still love where you live? Many Bay Area homeowners prefer to rebuild rather than move. Why not build your dream home in the same, familiar neighborhood? Perhaps you want to move but can’t find the ideal home. You could purchase smaller properties, knock them down and start over. Reconstruction is a big job that requires careful planning and a builder with the experience and skills to deliver the results you envision. Here are some useful tips for tearing down an existing home and building a new home you will love.

Tips for Rebuilding Your Current Home 

  • Planning is key: This means doing your homework before the sledgehammer comes down and shovels hit the ground. Think about why you are rebuilding. Perhaps your growing family needs more space, you want room to entertain or accommodate frequent overnight guests, etc. Or maybe you want a modern house with all the bells and whistles. Your wish list is the basis for your design plans.
  • Consult building professionals: Discuss your project with an architect, construction consultant or contractor to determine its viability. They can help you make cost-saving decisions as well as advise you on where not to cut corners. An important question to ask is whether your new home will serve your needs and fit in with the character of the neighborhood. A good home design will take adjoining buildings into account. Your city or town will also have regulations and guidelines for what you can and cannot do with your home reconstruction or renovation project. Hence, you also need to be aware of teardown and rebuild permits that might be required.
  • Get a detailed cost estimate: This will help determine what you can afford and what you may have to forego or postpone. However, establishing a detailed budget is just the first step; you need to stay within it. Keep track of expenses at every stage of the rebuild. Get your construction contractors involved from the initial planning stages. They are responsible for managing building and material costs, while the architect is focused on the design.
  • Choose your building contractor carefully: Choose your contractor based on their credentials, experience and reputation. While price is a differentiator, it should not be the biggest influence on your final selection. Check work references to avoid a messy, botched job. The key to a good builder-client relationship is clear and constant communication. Your contractor should be easily reachable and willing to answer all your questions.

Get the Bay Area’s Construction Experts to Build Your New Home

At Flegel’s Construction Co. our have more than 30 years of experience building and renovating homes. Our clients receive expert advice, quality craftsmanship and responsive service. Count on us to make your home rebuilding project stress-free. We welcome the opportunity to make your dream home a reality.

With a firm commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, we continue to serve a growing roster of happy customers across the Bay Area, including in Palo Alto, San Jose, Santa Clara, Sunnyvale, Mountain View and Cupertino, CA.

If you are tearing down an existing home and building a new home, contact us online.


When Home Renovation is More than a Kitchen Makeover

Choose an Experienced Remodeling Contractor in the Bay Area

remodeling conractorModernizing a few rooms in your home, such as the kitchen, master bedroom and bathroom is often just the start of a project that quickly explodes into a whole house makeover. How smoothly the project goes will depend on the capabilities of your remodeling contractor. Here is some expert advice on how to achieve the desired results when your home renovation is more than just a kitchen makeover.

3 Tips for Remodeling Your Home

  • Choose the right remodeler: It may seem like the obvious first step, but surprisingly, it is the one that many homeowners take lightly, and regret later. It is important to hire a contractor with an excellent track record and credentials. Look for more than 5 years of experience and positive customer reviews. Check that the team can handle the size of your project and not just a single room expansion or renovation. Ask for references and speak to previous clients about their experience. If possible, request to see the finished work. It is also important that you feel comfortable working with the team as they will be in your home for a long period. Evaluate the contractor’s communications process. They should be reachable and willing to answer all your questions. Remember: if the price is unbelievably low, you’ll probably pay more later to rebuild and repair shoddy work.
  • Hire professionals to manage the entire renovation project: Architects, tradespeople, suppliers, and many others are involved in rebuilding a home. This makes accountability difficult. Having a building or remodeling professional to manage the entire project will save you time, money and stress. At Flegel’s, our customers enjoy peace of mind knowing we keep a close check on quality, timelines and their budget. We are happy to work with an architect and/or contractor of your choice to make your renovation dreams a reality. If you need references for architects and designers, we can help connect you with suitable service providers.
  • Get written confirmation: Jumping into a renovation project without a detailed scope and cost estimate is a recipe for disaster. Make sure everything is in writing and crystal clear before you sign on the dotted line and start work. This must include what will and will not be done, timelines, expenses and any special discounts or services the contractor has promised.

Hire the Bay Area’s Trusted Construction Company to Renovate Your Home

At Flegel’s Construction Co., we consider renovating your home to be a privilege. Our experienced contractors work closely with you to create personalized spaces you will enjoy with your family and friends. Over 30 years of experience in building and renovating goes into realizing your renovation dreams. Count on us to create the home of your dreams.

We serve customers across the Bay Area, including in Palo Alto, San Jose, Santa Clara, Sunnyvale, Mountain View and Cupertino, CA.

Let’s discuss your home renovation project that involves more than a kitchen makeover, contact us online.


2018 Silicon Valley Modern Home Tour

2018 Silicon Valley Modern Home Tour

Join us on June 9th for the 2018 Silicon Valley Modern Home Tour. Be sure to see our project “Sunnymount Avenue” along the route!

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Make Your Bathroom Kid Friendly

Make Your Bathroom Kid Friendly

Flegel's Construction Co., Inc. can help you discover "10 Ways to Make the Shared Bathroom Welcoming for Kids."

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  • Video Testimonial

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  • I would hire Scott again in a heartbeat

    I would hire Scott again in a heartbeat. He did our Eichler total remodel from roof to radiant. The workmanship is 5-star. Scott understands the uniqueness of Eichlers and modern design.

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  • I am confident that your expectations will be far exceeded…

    “Our home in Palo Alto was in need of help. Built in the early 1950s and barely updated since, there was a lot to do. Over 12 months and two phases, our home was transformed into the perfect mid-century modern oasis for our

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  • As easy for as us as possible…

    “We interviewed at least 7 contractors for our Eichler remodel and decided on Flegel’s construction and I am so glad we did! Working with Scott and his crew was such an pleasant experience. We had heard so many horror stories

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  • Stands by his work…

    “I cannot say enough about Scott Flegel. He is on the ball. He works on the project with his employees. He has very high standards and his employees follow his example. Our architect has come back to look at the project

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